The Doc's New "Look"
Above are the gifs that Irene has created and chosen to display on the main pages of her site. Oh yes, she di-id. And she labeled them with her own name. The one with the water being poured all over the kitten was on a child abuse page. Nice!
In case the animation doesn't show (and they are very graphically animated), there are 2 cat pics - one with a cat opening its mouth and snarling viciously and angrily, another with the cat opening even wider and appearing to bite the viewer with glistening gigantic fang/teeth, and the third of course is the little kitty with a bucket of water being dumped upon it, cringeing and getting all soggy and whatnot - poor kitty.
These are images that Dr Irene has selected, created and shown to the world to somehow represent her image to the public. She feels attacked? Threatened? Is she attacking back? Is she trying to send a message to the members who were banned/who escaped from her clutches that she will not tolerate their "attacks" on her by their insistence to reclaim their own words... their refusal to "apologize" to her and come crawling back to her site... their refusal to embrace the "new regime" which seeks to blame the victim... their utter chutzpah in forming their OWN forum which is free from her abusive dictatorship?
Above are the gifs that Irene has created and chosen to display on the main pages of her site. Oh yes, she di-id. And she labeled them with her own name. The one with the water being poured all over the kitten was on a child abuse page. Nice!
In case the animation doesn't show (and they are very graphically animated), there are 2 cat pics - one with a cat opening its mouth and snarling viciously and angrily, another with the cat opening even wider and appearing to bite the viewer with glistening gigantic fang/teeth, and the third of course is the little kitty with a bucket of water being dumped upon it, cringeing and getting all soggy and whatnot - poor kitty.
These are images that Dr Irene has selected, created and shown to the world to somehow represent her image to the public. She feels attacked? Threatened? Is she attacking back? Is she trying to send a message to the members who were banned/who escaped from her clutches that she will not tolerate their "attacks" on her by their insistence to reclaim their own words... their refusal to "apologize" to her and come crawling back to her site... their refusal to embrace the "new regime" which seeks to blame the victim... their utter chutzpah in forming their OWN forum which is free from her abusive dictatorship?
(Sorry, folks. Evidently I don't know how to make the animation work when I copied them over here. I guess I'm not a "self-taught computer whiz" like Dr. Irene claims to be. If you have tips, they would be welcome. :)