Well, it's hard to believe, but the juvenile behavior, vindictiveness and refusal to do "the right thing" by Dr. Irene and the Catbox admins has gone even further.
Members who requested their posts be deleted have instead had the poster "name" changed, but the posts remain. So, not only are the posts not deleted, but their user names have been changed to insulting ones such as "Stinky" and "Dingbat."
Also, instead of deleting the posts as has been requested, they have merely deleted access to their accounts by those members, rendering the posts as having been posted by "GuestCat_______" with their name in it (if the name hasn't been changed to an insult by the admins/Irene).
Then one of the insult names was changed back to the original name. Do you think we didn't see that?
The New Administration is still claiming that those who spoke up against Dr. Irene's abuse on the site are "disruptive troublemakers." The spin is still on, even heavier than before. The opposite of truth.
Furthermore, the requested deletions were not about "copyright infringement" - although that is certainly a possibility, that Irene would choose to use/abuse member's words without appropriate notice or permission, since she has already taken so many crazily inappropriate and illegal steps - but rather, it is about the members no longer feeling that their words are safe there. And, since their words are legally their OWN, they have the right to remove them. Dr. Irene is infringing upon that right, just because she wants to. It's not about disruption or preserving thread integrity - those are red herrings, excuses to try to gain support - classic twisting and blame-shifting. She just doesn't want to give it up. She just wants to control.
And again, there are no "attacks" on the site. Members (who have largely been stripped of any privileges or access, anyway) are only trying to claim what is rightfully theirs and protect theirselves.
Thank you, Dr. Irene, for giving us the Catbox. We learned to identify abuse, even by the Catbox owner herself.
Your credibility isn't such that people will necessarily believe you just because you say something is true. The truth - the real truth - is out. Your scurrying and cover-ups aren't helping, they're just making it more apparent what you are doing. Yes, you've convinced a few. Are you proud of that? Proud of manipulating a few malleable, delicate psyches into what you want them to be? Do you enjoy that?
Clearly you enjoyed your power, picking them off, degrading them, threatening them with giving mental health information to their real-life peers, cyber-killing them at whim - Does that make you the better person? Really? You trumped up fake "reasons" for the validity of your decisions, but way too many people know that those "reasons" were false. They never existed. You just plain don't like those people, for whatever reason. Maybe you feared them. I don't care. But you did it all for personal reasons, and they were very unstable reasons at that.