Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wait... Irene...WHO can't get over WHAT? Who is "attacking" the Catbox??? You have become so insanely Captain Queeg-ish. YOU were the one bringing up the events of last year. YOU did it. Now it's somehow other people's inability to "get over it" that made YOU start that thread and YOU bring that up? It was NEWLY banned members that created a recent exodus... it was the way YOU and your admins handled things before that, that caused all that to happen. Not google stats. Not numbers. Nobody's "recruiting" or trying to steal your members for the sake of numbers and statistics. Although it's to everyone's benefit that another, healthier place does exist. And your jealousy and paranoia is exquisitely obvious.

It is your behavior which caused all this, your behavior which is continuing. You. You. You. What you have done. What you are doing now.

Personal responsibility, my 4ss. You only think people should "look inward" and "own their responsibility" when it means swallowing your lies and re-writing history and taking the heat off of you. "Personal responsibility" is for all the other suckers, right? Not for you. What about your responsibility in the mess you created, all by yourself? Oh wait, you don't have any.

Oh hey, Dr. Irene, you’re up and at it again. With a rather transparent (but not in the way you profess to want) garbage-full “explanation” and attempt to repair the rightfully faltering opinion of your forum by your members.

Irene, it was you, yourself – because of the settings on the board that only YOU could undo – who was responsible for the former admins receiving administrative emails. The emails arrived into their INBOXES – they simply read them. And, it was, in fact, a former admin who informed you, Irene, of your error, making you aware of the issue so you could correct it. Then you blame THEM for it? And continue to do so? That's not only immature and sick, but a blatant lie.

There was no “backdoor.” There was no “hacking.” There was no wrongdoing of any kind by the former admins. Straight, clean-cut and simple. Irene, those accusations you continue to promote are lies – straight-out lies – defamatory ones. You might have twisted them around in your head to believe that your version of the “truth” is real, but that doesn’t make it so.

Almost every single thing that was posted in the “Rebuilding” thread was a lie or a distortion. There’s almost no truth in it at all – it is a rather sad attempt to manipulate your dwindling readership into believing “your truth.” Brainwashing once again. The only truths there, really, were these: 1. there was an implosion (yes, there was), and 2. that you had posted a political post which went against your own rules. Everything else in your letter goes against the facts, and are twistings and manipulations and attempts to mind-fvck your herd so they stay with you and your power-mongering manipulative admins.

Having blatantly exposed your practice of “no privacy” within your reign, and repeated history with more bannings with reasons manufactured out of paranoid delusions and spewed and re-chewed as “Protecting” your flock (oh, come on), you lost members. YOU lost those members by your own actions, Irene. It wasn’t because somebody crept around behind your back and “stole” them. YOU did it. YOU did it last year, and YOU did it this year. YOUR behaviors caused them to leave. Because you are controlling, manipulative and abusive. You want to control what they do and what they think. You and your admins have made it clear you want people to THINK in a certain way. Your “personal responsibility” blather is a cover for mind control – you believe only certain ways of thought are “correct” and you want to control your members by encouraging in certain directions and discouraging/punishing other directions. You do not allow independent thought, you do not allow anyone to disagree with you (no matter how respectfully). You are a controlling, manipulative abuser – and the worst of them, because you mess with the minds of people who are already abused and come to you for HELP. It is very, very sick.

YOU treated people in ways that made them leave you, and then you blamed others for that. That’s typical abuser-speak as well.

I don’t have the time to do a line-by-line breakdown of your “Rebuilding” letter, although it certainly deserves it. But it’s all a bunch of manipulative drivel. Irene, face it, YOU brought down your Catbox. With abuse. And again, we thank you, Dr. Irene, for teaching us to recognize abuser tactics so that we recognize you as one. Those who leave you are protecting themselves… from you. You are not there to help them. You are trying to get them to do things “your way.” Control. Abuse.

And again - trying to control your members' private communications with each other??? There's so much that's sick about that, I can't even begin to enumerate. Reading them is sick enough - preventing members from communicating outside the public forum is sick, twisting what's been said in those messages is sick, telling the public some convoluted storybook of lies about what was in those private messages is sick - and without the supposed-wrongdoers even able to defend themselves or present their side...but then asking and expecting your members to use any "private" messages they might receive to YOUR personal benefit, as a covert - or, rather, overt - operation to seek and destroy? That's very, very low.

And isolating your members from private contact with each other or other websites, that's a familiar tactic too, an abuser tactic. Abusers tell us it's "for our own good" too.

Oh and by the way, anger and validation are healthy in abusive situations. Validation is what helps a person gain strength in the knowledge that their perspective is worthwhile and helps stop the mind-control cycle. Anger is what often helps propel a person out of their bad situation. The former admins weren't "doing things wrong." You just wanted them gone so you could control the members better. By genuinely trying to help others, they were obstacles to your plan of manipulating them into submission and obeisance.

“Personal responsibility” – et tu, Irene? How about some for yourself? You brought this all on yourself and now you just keep blaming others…into eternity.

And if your members can see that your forum is unhealthy and don't want to be a part of it, it's not their "wrongness" - it's nobody else's "fault" - just yours. Accusing them, blaming them, in order to try to cover your own butt-tracks in the mess is just...blame-twisting.

Irene, your forum isn’t about its members, it’s about YOU – and it shows. Your admins are there to corral, not to help. At least two of them have no experience in abuse (from the victim’s side, at least) and are most interested in spewing their own jargon and half-truths, self-aggrandizement and power rather than actually desiring to help others. You're not helping people, you're hurting them - and that's okay with you, as long as they think what you want them to think, and do what you want them to do, and believe what you want them to believe.

Jealous of another forum built without you which doesn’t punish and control its members, but genuinely cares about them? Tsk tsk. Irene, you’re not prom queen anymore, and it hurts – so you blame it on the voters and the popularity of another genuinely-nice girl and try to backstab and manipulate by getting the voters to TATTLE to you, so that you can destroy the ballots. It's the ballots' fault. It's the other girl's fault. Uh-uh, no.

Tsk-tsk, Dr. Irene. Tsk-tsk.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well, I see you’re at it again. Ni-i-i-i-i-ice.

WHY are you so AFRAID of members going to other sites? Hmmmm?

Do you not realize that’s kind of...crazy? And EXTREMELY controlling – the very thing you’re supposed to be against?

If you were on the level, you wouldn’t be so paranoid about your members dabbling elsewhere. It wouldn’t matter to you. It's the Internet, for cripe's sake. You can't control what everybody does on the Internet. To even think you can, or to try, is nutso. (Oh, but I think you're just afraid of them connecting with specific people or forums - hmmm - the ones who left you because of your abusive behavior, right? That's abusive, too. To control someone out of spite... anger... just plain wrong.)

If you were on the level, you wouldn’t be reading members’ PRIVATE messages – that’s really sick, do you know that? – blockading and deleting them – under the guise of “keeping your members safe.” WHO are you keeping them “safe” from – outsiders who might give them the perspective that YOU are the nutso, controlling ones?

It’s ABUSER behavior. YOU are controlling your membership. YOU are ISOLATING them from others – other friends, other perspectives. YOU are restricting and controlling their communications with others. YOU are the abusers.

It’s a sick shame that you are abusing those who come to you for help and safety from abuse. Disgusting.

You can’t keep people from eventually realizing the truth. Your mad scrabble to maintain control, your trigger-finger bannings, blatant disregard for privacy, paranoia and finger-pointing (“they’re the ones to blame!” “we’re just keeping you safe!”) doesn’t hold up forever, except in the minds of those too fogged to be able to see the truth.

Your behaviors are sick. You manipulate the abused – who are not the healthiest to start with – and control them to maintain your own power trip.

Sick, sick, sick.